Neuro-Sensory- Motor Development
Reflex Integration
Primitive reflexes are automatic, stereotyped movements, directed from the brain stem and executed without cortical involvement. Reflexes are used for positive protection. For example, if you fall, your arms extend so you do not hit your head. That is called Hand supporting reflex. We have reflexes in our feet that help us stand, walk, run and keep us grounded. Those reflexes involve Foot Grasp, Tendon Guard, Babinski, and Trunk Extension. We have reflexes used for fight of flight or Fear situations. If I am being chased, I want Moro reflex to activate so I can run fast. If I hear a noise at night, I want Fear Paralysis to activate. My auditory system will pay attention to the sound I heard as my body “freezes”. I can then determine the best decision based on what I heard. A reflex comes out to protect when we experience a trauma. That trauma can be stubbing our toe, studying for a test, being involved in a car accident to having surgery……. Our reflexes should come out to protect, then integrate back to our brain stem for when we need them again. If we had too many traumas or the trauma is too overwhelming, reflexes can stay “on” or fail to do what they were designed to do. This can cause visual issues, sensory issues, auditory issues, PTSD, we can lose the ability to keep our balance and have issues with our cognitive functioning. If our reflexes are integrated, our nervous system is able to regulate, our feet are grounded, our vision and auditory systems work together, our posture is good, we sleep better,our brain is able to function at an optimal level.
This technique can be used with children and adults. Reflexes can become dysfunctional due to chronic stress, trauma, congenital diseases or non- congenital diseases. Reflex integration can be used to treat Traumatic Brain Injury, sensory issues autism, cerebral palsy, visual issues, auditory issues, stress and anxiety, PTSD, pain, and many other dysfunctions.